If your knowledge about San Identity and Creativity was only based on flimsy gossip and half-truths, then Gantsi Craft can confirm for you! Despite the San being a tribe with low prestige and socio-economic status, Gantsi Craft does immensely to ensure and safeguard the future of the San’s creativity and culture. Not only does it raise awareness of the San Craftsmanship, but Gantsi Craft empowers and supports over 800 craftspeople in 15 settlements across Ghanzi District and Kgalagadi North Sub District.
Gantsi Craft develops and promotes the craftsmanship of skilled craftspersons, it also provides golden income opportunities by providing a market for their craftwork, stocking a wide range of San creations, including traditional handcrafts such as jewellery, eggshells, carved ostrich eggs, handmade dolls, hunting sets, baskets, and fine arts. Their crafts are featured in Gantsi Craft Gift Shops, San Cultural Exhibitions, and sustainable development programs. The organization has participated in and obtained accolades for events such as the Gender Expo, Global Expo, Tourism Pitso, Gantsi Show, Gaborone Show, and Integrated Field Services (Northern and Western Regions, Basket &Craft). Visit the Gantsi Craft Gift Shop and witness the beauty and genius of San’s creativity.