Someone once said that ‘a good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. But once you have arrived, well, you have to stay someplace. Remember the glamourous eye-catching online adverts that really sway your mood and eventually choose that explicit standard, deluxe or executive hotel room. Hotels can often be the make-or-break factor in most vacations, leaving the traveller either gratified by the experience or miserably thwarted. But has getting a good hotel room at a reasonable price been worrying you? Has getting less than what you hoped for, worrying you? Your visit should not be ruined by minor hacks that can be certainly adjusted to save a day. Here are the hotel hacks you have been waiting for!!
- Worried about paying extra on bottled water? No don’t have to pay a cent more, just boil water from the tap and put the water in the fridge to chill it down
- Worried about catching some germs from common places, use active spray to into your room and leave for a few minutes to allow surface disinfecting. Alternatively sanitize the T.V remote or cover it with the shower cap for good hygiene.
- Worried about curtains that doesn’t fully close? Just use a hanger that has clippers to close up the space, or hair pins, or paper clips.
- Worried about incompatible charging port or you do not have a charging adapter? Just insert the charging cord into the USB port in your hotel room T.V as long as the T.V is on.
- Worried about working space your laptop or dining? Just use the iron board as a dining table.
- Worried about your smelly shoes? Just use tea bags from your hotel room and put them inside and let it sit there for the night. The tea bag soaks up the moist in the shoes.
- Worried about the beaming light and noises
entering underneath your hotel room door? Just take
a towel and wedge it under the door and enjoy your
peaceful sleep. - Worried about where to place your toothbrush since you couldn’t find one in your room? Just use a paper cup or disposable cups and pin your brush into the cup.
- Worried about where to put your dirty shoes? Just use a shower cap to cover them.